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Sarsaparilla provides anti-inflammatory properties for both internal and external use. It has a strong bitter taste but its has also paired great with liquorice and/or a natural root beer.

Mexican Sarsaparilla Herbal Capsules


    • Rich in iron: Sarsaparilla holds the largest content of iron in any plant

    • Anti-Inflammatory: It is able to reduces joint pain in certain types of arthritis such as rheumatoid arthritis and reduction in swelling, relieve toothaches.

    • Skin Health: It can reduce eczema, psoriasis and minor skin issues.

    • Anti-Cancer: Studies have shown that sarsaparilla has the ability to reduce the growth of certain cancer cells.

    • Detoxification: Sarsaparilla promotes sweating and urination. It also has blood purifying properties

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