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Easy DIY Plant Based Pine Sol | Natural Household Cleaning Supplies

Am I the only one who loves pine sol.... like to the point where you'll open the bottle and take a nice sniff? Nobody? Just me!? 😂 Well, that's not healthy so here's a better alternative. Although this particular DIY is specifically for household use, pine needles also have medicinal properties for human consumption.

difference between pine needles and spruce needles

Benefits May Include

  • Anti-microbial, anti-inflammation, antioxidant, antibacterial properties

  • Nontoxic natural pine scent

  • Helps break down grease

  • Disinfectant

  • Salad dressing and sauces

  • High in vitamin C and alkaloids

  • Heart health

  • Improves lymphatic system

  • Boost immune system

  • Insect repellent

  • High in calcium, resulting on strengthening bones

  • Skin health producing collagen and reducing wrinkles, fine lines and blemishes on face

Different Ways to Use

  • Place in a spray bottle and use as an all-purpose cleaner

  • Mix water and your natural pine sol in a mop bucket for cleaning

  • Disinfectant wipes

  • Pine needle tea

  • Tinctures

  • Herbal infused oils


  • Fresh Pine needles

  • Fir or spruce needles (optional)

  • Cinnamon (optional)

  • White distilled vinegar

pine needles and white vinegar; natural household cleaner
Pine Needles, Cinnamon Sticks, Vinegar


  1. Pull your pine needles from the branch. You can do it either outside or in your home. (I recommend doing it outside).

  2. Thoroughly soak and wash the pine needles.

  3. Place the needles in a dry mason jar or large container.

  4. Pour vinegar over the needles covering it completely.

  5. Place parchment paper on top, cover over tightly and shake vigorously.

  6. Place in a sunny space for 2-4 weeks. Shake the mixture everyday for the first 2 weeks.

  7. After 4-8 weeks or longer, strain the mixture into a clean glass spray bottle and Enjoy!

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The information on this website is for educational and entertainment only . This is not a substitute for medical advice, treatments, or diagnosis. It is not intended to replace the services of a qualified medical herbalist, doctor or licensed health practitioner. It is recommended that you always consult with a qualified health care professional first. Do not disregard or delay the medical advice of a health care professional because of the information on this website.  Do not self-diagnose or self-medicate. The statements and information on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or illness. No responsibility is assumed by the part of the author, publishers, and/or entities of this website or any links on this website if you choose to use the information to treat yourself or others.


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