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Hoodoo: Herbs for Beauty and Self Love | African American Spirituality | Learn About Glamour Magic

The following herbs among many others can be used for self love, beauty and glamour magic.

Divine Feminine

Your divine feminine is more than just makeup, manis and pedis and high heels. A woman does not even have to do that if they aren't comfortable. Divine feminine qualities include, but are not limited to nurturing, creativity, intuition, emotional, beauty, open minded, vulnerability. Some may call it their "Soft Girl Life". African Traditional Religions, or ATR also have many practices regarding the guidance to the divine feminine.

Glamour Magic

Glamour Magic is executed through various methods, but at its core, it's all about the intention behind the magic. One may use glamour magic to change their appearance or change the way others may perceive them. It may also be used to enhance a person's beauty, self love, attraction, essence and aura. Vanities or altars, or something as simple as a mirror can be used for this purpose.

The saying "Beauty is pain" has always puzzled me because, why should it be!? Beauty should be COMFORTABLE. Being comfortable in your own skin can inspire others to do the same. Be at ease in your attire, footwear, and accessories. Whether you want to dress like a Boss a$$ Bitch, a Baddie, an entrepreneur, or as if you're about to meet the love of your life—even if you're single—Have fun with it. Embrace what you find aesthetically pleasing by your own standards, not by what society dictates.

How I do Glamour Magic

I look at myself in the mirror and speak affirmations and repeat mantras such as, "I am beautiful. I am confident. I love everything about myself." I look at my most enhanced features. Many of our prominent features might also be insecurities, which is all the more reason to affirm them positively. "I love my big nose—it highlights a beauty that makes me unique."

I embrace all the natural features given by God, The Universe" (or whatever your beliefs are). If I want to add a little razzle dazzle, I might do a no makeup makeup look... but if you want to do full glam here and there, that's completely up to you. My approach to glamour magic centers on complete comfort. For me, the essence of glamour magic lies in feeling at ease in your own skin, whether you're dressing up or dressing down, when I walk outside I know I am that GIRL!

Other Herbs and Materials for Beauty





Florida Water

Essential oils


Lotus flowers










A person can be intuitively, spiritually and/or ancestral led when preforming your rituals and spells. If you go to a Hoodoo practitioner, they may give your the herbs or a general step by step guide:

Spiritual Bath: Place herbs and flowers in your bath. Make it your comfort zone. Add candles, a journal, something to ground yourself and use this time to meditate, relax, speak affirmations and words of intention.

Sigil Magic: In Hoodoo, sigil magic is a symbol for a specific usage, or conjuring a specific deity or spirit.

*Other rituals may include the Honey Jar/Sweetening Jar, candle magic, vision boards.

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