Powerhouse Blend: Sour Sop Leaves and Turmeric Herbal Blend

Both graviola/soursop leaves and turmeric have alkaline, detoxifying properties. Turmeric is known to be a powerful anti-inflammatory and soursop leaves are anti-..... everything else😂ðŸ«
Let me explain:
Soursop Leaves
Soursop leaves are of the soursop fruit. From the seeds to the leaves to the fruit, soursop holds an exponential number of medicinal uses:
Anti-inflammatory, anti-parasite, antioxidant, anti-cancer, anti-ulcer, anti-diarrhea, anti-diabetes.
Detoxing the body of parasites and infections
Relieving arthritis pain
Treats headaches, cystitis, and insomnia
Soothe muscle tension and muscle spasms
"In several tropical sub-Saharan countries such as Uganda, all parts of the plant are used to treat malaria, stomachache, parasitic infections, diabetes, and cancer."
Turmeric has potent anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-allergy, anti-fungal and antioxidant medicinal properties:
Contains a compound called curcumin
Works as a natural painkiller for nervine
Aids in digestive system relief
Relieves respiratory illnesses
Liver cleanser
Wound healer
Assist in weight loss
Regulates blood sugar
*Turmeric absorbs profoundly when mixed with black pepper because of its piperine compound
Medicinal and Culinary Uses:
Tinctures and other extracts
Smoothie blend
Seasonings to meals
Due to soursop's potent properties, it is not recommended to use in large portions.
The recommended dosage varies on what you want to treat. It can range from 500-10000 mg per day but should not be consumed for a long period of time. It is recommended to take this blend for 30 days and take a break of at least 10-14 days.
Capsules: 1-2 capsules daily
Tea: 1 teaspoon per one cup twice daily
Tincture: 20-30 drops twice daily
Smoothie blend: 1 teaspoon per 8oz smoothie
Risks and Side Effects:
Avoid and consult your doctor if you take blood pressure medication and diabetes medication
Side effects may include digestive issues, may cause nerve damage, diarrhea, blood thinning, kidney and liver issues.