Herbal First Aid Kit
These herbs have been used since ancient times as traditional medicines. Many of these herbs are fairly common and easy to find in your local grocery store, farmer's market, or even grow it yourself. Herbal first aid kits may include salves, essential oils, raw/dried herbs, tinctures, powders and more. Whether your camping, on vacation, or home, this first aid kit is beneficial for all types of relief from scrapes and burns to nausea and indigestion. These herbs are great to have on hand at home and even a survival situation.
A common herbal based first aid kit should include (but not limited to) herbs to help relieve:
First signs of a cold
Anxiety/panic attacks or shock
Insect repellent
Insect bites
Skin inflammation, rashes, eczema, itchiness, redness etc
Minor cuts and wounds
Cramps and pain

Antifungal, antiseptic, antiviral, antibiotic, analgesic properties
Assists in wound healing
Insect repellent
Minimizes scars
How to Use Topically:
On a cotton ball, add a carrier oil (coconut oil, olive oil etc) and a few drops of lavender oil and apply to your wound. (Recommended for minor scrapes, cuts and bug bites)
Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant and antispasmodic properties
Relieves eye irritation
Sedative effects
Reduces skin inflammation (rashes, eczema) How to Use Topically: Add chamomile essential oil to a carrier oil, preferably jojoba oil and apply to inflamed skin.
Use chamomile tea bags and steep in warm water and apply to irritated eyes with tea bags or warm cloth
Peppermint Leaf
Fever reducer
Relieves itching and sunburns How to Use Topically: Create a paste with the leaves and water; Carrier oil mixed with peppermint essential oil.
How to Use Internally: Herbal Capsules, Tea, Tincture
Cayenne Pepper
Antispasmodic, stimulant, antiseptic anti-inflammatory properties
Relieves asthma and cough
Promotes circulation and blood flow
Helps prevent the risk of a stroke or heart attack How to Use Topically: Apply 50/50 honey and cayenne pepper mixture on minor cuts How to Use Internally: Use as a tincture or tea for colds, Herbal Capsules
Lemon Balm
Mild sedative
Antibacterial, antiviral properties
How to Use Internally: Herbal capsules twice per day; Tea
Antispasmodic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antifungal properties
Helps fight infection
Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-septic properties
Relieves muscle pain
Relieves gingivitis
Other Antiviral Herbs
Gotu Kola: Studies have shown gotu kola can fight against HSV1 and 2, as well as prevent cold sores. More about Gotu Kola.
Honey: One of the best benefits about honey is that it can relieve coughs and sore throats. Honey can also be used topically for burns and reduce the risk of infection.
Calendula: This is great for sunburns, blisters, and rashes
St John's Wort: Relieves minor wounds
Pau Darco: Great for detoxifying the body of parasites and relieving skin inflammation such as herpes, eczema, insect bite, and itchiness.
Jergen Sacha: Contains antivenom properties which can assist in treating snake bites and wounds.
Other Anti-inflammatory herbs
Aloe Vera: Can assist in relieving eczema, psoriasis, and burns
Ginger: Soothes upset stomach and fights stomach infections
White Willow Bark: This ancient herb has been well known for its powerful pain-relieving properties.
Yarrow: Great to stop bleeding; Relieves cuts, scrapes, burns, rashes. Use fresh or powdered leaves and apply to your wound.
Other Antibiotic herbs
Oregano: Able to treat parasitic infections due to its anti-parasitic and antimicrobial properties; Fights colds, respiratory issues, pneumonia; Oil of oregano can be used both internally and externally.
Echinacea: Heals wounds and insect bites with its antiviral and antioxidant properties; Relieves anxiety; Fights cold, flus and bacterial infections
Goldenseal: Able to fight against fevers, digestive issues, and ulcers; Use warm tea as an eye wash