The Spiritual Benefits of Eggs

Eggs are known to have powerful spiritual benefits and have been incorporated into various spells and rituals throughout ancient history. They are commonly utilized for protection, cleansing, and breakthroughs. In Christianity, eggs symbolize resurrection, while in certain pagan beliefs, they represent fertility, birth, or creation. In aspects of Santeria, Hoodoo, and other spiritual practices eggs can also be used to identify illnesses and negative energy. Additionally, deities and passed loved ones would receive eggs as offerings.
Pagan Uses of Eggs
With the arrival of the Spring Equinox, an egg symbolized Earth's fertility. The season naturally brings the sprouting of plants and emerging insect and animals. This marks the beginning of abundance of fruits and foods. Our reliance on animals and insects for pollination is critical. Egg rituals included painting the eggs a certain color that represented the power, or intention that was given to them (For example, red represented blood or transformation). These eggs would then be buried to promote the land's fertility. In certain European traditions, the practice of Pysanky was common, where people engaged in the intricate task of "writing" symbols and designs on an egg as a means of manifestation, with each pattern embodying individual hopes, dreams, and wishes.

Spiritual Uses of Eggs in Hoodoo & Santeria
In Hoodoo, Santeria, and various African Traditional Religions and spiritual practices, eggs are used for protection and purification rituals. In Hoodoo, it is common to place an egg under the bed to capture bad dreams. Similarly, a root worker or two-headed doctor might perform a cleansing with an egg, moving it across the body to draw out negative energy. A Latin Bruja in Santeria may also perform this ritual; where the egg serves as a vessel, absorbing negative energy as it is rubbed from head to toe. Within Santeria and many Spanish speaking countries, this may be known limpia con huevo. Afterwards, the egg is cracked into a glass of water for divination, revealing the absorbed energies. Another use for eggs is to air-dry the eggshells and crush them into a powder. You can then place the powdered eggshells in plants or near a window to absorb negative energy.